Only On Saturday


Only On Saturday
Posted August 17, 2023
Letterform Archive

Test My short essay: "The Shop at 300 Broadway", is in the book "Only on Saturday", edited by Chuck Byrne, on the letterpress experiments of Jack Stauffacher, that was published in July 2023 by Letterform Archive in San Francisco.

This from the book description on Amazon:

"A stunning tribute to the experimental letterpress prints of the revered scholar-printer and AIGA medalist Jack Stauffacher.
Created in his off-hours on the weekend and in part inspired by the modern artists of his day, Jack Stauffacher’s exquisite prints demonstrate what wood type can do when released from its role in traditional communication and instead used to explore letters as pure form. In the resulting abstract, dynamically composed, often lushly layered prints, Stauffacher reclaims typography as a subject fit for the gallery wall."